Thursday, May 14, 2009

Heart of Darkness Poems

Escape (8)


fallaces sunt rerum species 
The appearances of things are deceptive.

        Bound on other conquests. (5)

Leading up  the hill, (23)

followed the sea, (5)

down stony hills, (31)

over the empty land. (31)

        Human beings (100), hospitable and festive. (22)

 As if by enchantment (100)

 At the image of (103) the pensive forest (100)

We left at noon (113)

So. Farewell. (23)


Part II

His Plans (124)


        Ordinary man, (95)

factitious no doubt. (102)

Human beings, (100)

nothing but black shadows, (26)

savage or simply mean. (80)

        Shoot you (95) without (8)

adequate motive. (52)

        Save the ivory, (104)

they (9) fancy for it. (95)

The horror! (125)


Part III

Depths of the Forest (94)


        Darkness was here yesterday. (7)

Deal with this shadow (107) confused. (108)

        Black shapes (26) near the same tree. (27)

Human beings, (100)

Like the wilderness itself. (103)

Embrace (103)

intense blackness. (108)

        Having a look around, (108)

Then stop to listen, (110)

in this fog. (67)


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